Light up the future and create a better future -- Heilongjiang Night Economy and Smart Lighting Deve





In order to promote the high-quality development of the lighting industry in Longjiang and help the night view economy drive the prosperity of the consumer market in Longjiang. On May 10, the Heilongjiang Night Economy and Smart Lighting Development Conference was held in Harbin with the theme of 'Light of Science and Technology, Brighten the Future! Win win Cooperation, Create the Future!'. Before the meeting, the members of Heilongjiang Lighting Industry Association took a group photo, and the 2023 Heilongjiang Night Economy and Smart Lighting Development Conference officially began,


More than 200 people, including top experts from the national lighting industry, heads of municipal construction management units, lighting production enterprises, construction enterprises, design and research institutes, technical backbones and heads of decoration engineering enterprises, attended the conference to promote exchanges, cooperation and resource sharing in the industry and contribute to the construction of smart cities in Heilongjiang Province. Minvol Technology was invited to attend the conference.


Before the formal start of the meeting, the guests visited the exhibition area of famous and excellent enterprises in the venue, and Minvol Technology Booth was highly concerned by the leaders and guests attending the meeting. Minvol Technology has been focusing on the R&D and application of smart display building materials technology, providing reliable solutions for smart city construction.


At the exhibition site, the staff of Minghao Technology booth warmly received the guests and introduced the company's products and intelligent lighting system solutions in detail.


Minvol Technology set up a video glass in the venue. The video glass of Minvol Technology made the display building materials, its reliability reached the building materials standard, and its features of long life and operation got high attention from the guests.


The chairman of Minvol Technology was interviewed by a reporter from Tencent on the forum. He said that Minvol Technology had brought a smart city integration platform and new building materials display products to the conference

President Li said that Minvol Technology was the first manufacturer in the industry to put forward the concept of building materials for lighting display. Through years of precipitation, many projects have been launched, such as Xiamen Twin Towers, Dubai World Expo, and operational display has been achieved in these landmark buildings. After three years of in-depth testing, we launched video glass, a building material display product, which can be directly used as a building material. Minvol Technology video glass is an independent property right of Minghao from control to power supply to chip and manufacturing process. We control quality and cost from the source, so that our products have unique advantages in similar competition. We hope these technologies can be applied in Heilongjiang and help the economic development of Harbin.


At the beginning of the meeting, Zhao Yong, the supervisor of Heilongjiang Lighting Industry Association, said that landscape lighting not only lightens and beautifies the night scene of the city, but also improves the overall image and taste of the city. The demand of urban residents for lighting has been upgraded from the initial 'brightening' to 'beautifying', and even hopes that buildings can 'become smart'. In order to make the construction of all cities in Heilongjiang Province better connect with the first tier cities, better integrate the common development of smart lighting and night economy, and let smart lighting 'light up' the night economy, the Heilongjiang Lighting Industry Association hosted the Heilongjiang Night Economy and Smart Lighting Development Conference.


At the meeting, Fang Yamin, General Manager of Minvol Technology Building Materials Display Business Department, delivered a keynote speech titled 'Application of Digital Intelligence Integrated Integrated Management and Control Platform in Cultural Tourism and Urban Renewal'. Fang introduced the application of digital intelligence integrated integrated management and control platform in cultural tourism and urban renewal from the aspects of company introduction, system architecture, system security, scheme implementation, etc.


President Fang introduced in detail that Minvol technology uses the information physics system (CPS) in its application: including AI artificial intelligence, knowledge atlas, digital twins, data visualization to realize the interaction between people and information, blockchain, etc.

President Fang said that the company's integrated digital and intelligent management and control platform has been successfully applied in Qingxi Theater Project, Quanzhou Night View Project, Zibo Night View Project and other cities, providing intelligent solutions for the digital upgrading of local cultural and tourism projects. In the future, Minghao Technology will continue to take scientific and technological innovation as the core driving force, actively participate in the construction of smart cities, and will make more contributions to the construction of smart cities with unique ideas and wisdom!


Then the meeting came to the unveiling ceremony of Heilongjiang Night Economy and Smart Lighting Development Conference. The chairman of Heilongjiang Lighting Appliance Industry Association awarded Minvol Technology the medal of 'Excellent Partner of Heilongjiang Night Economy and Smart Lighting Development Conference'. This award has far-reaching implications. On the one hand, it represents that Minghao is widely recognized for its professionalism in the field of display building materials; On the other hand, it also shows that Minvol Technology has had a certain industry influence in this field, laying a solid foundation for further cooperation.


Later, a networking dinner was held with the Association, and the naming dinner of Minvol Technology was delivered by Zhao Enli, the general manager of Northeast China. General Manager Zhao said that Minvol Technology has always adhered to the business philosophy of 'market-oriented and customer-centric', striving to provide value-added products and services, and sincerely creating value for customers '.

In the in-depth exchange of the conference, leaders give directions and experts give methods. Minghao also adjusted in time according to the market, and rose to the challenge. Under the background of beautiful countryside, smart city, digital China, cultural tourism night tour, and urban renewal, Minghao is committed to serving urban digital intelligence, cultural tourism night tour, and urban renewal. And produce good returns on actual projects.

Walk fast alone and far together.

We are looking forward to in-depth exchanges and mutual learning with our customers, friends and supply chain friends. And jointly push our cause to a new level.

Later, the dinner hotel broadcast a promotional video of Minvol Technology on the big screen, which introduced the company in detail to the guests. The video received great attention from the guests present. As a company dedicated to urban renewal and building materials display, Minvol Technology takes hard work, innovation, care and sharing as its core values, and contributes to the sustainable development of cultural tourism and urban renewal! Minvol Technology gained a lot in this conference. The video glass displayed at the conference made the participants see Minvol technology precipitation in the field of display building materials, and the digital, intelligent and chemical integrated management and control platform brought by it is an important guarantee for achieving in-depth cooperation in the future.

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